John Lee Dumas – the host of Entrepreneurs on Fire and close colleague of CPA On Fire – recently released his book titled “The Common Path to Uncommon Success”. JLD has interviewed over 3,000 entrepreneurs and his podcast has over 100 million listeners. He has created an excellent roadmap on how to think differently, act differently, and ultimately be successful.
While reading his book, there were two chapters that really resonated with me; chapter 5 and chapter 17. Chapter 5: Find Your Mentor, dives into the value of having a great mentor to get you to your next stage as an entrepreneur. John’s success story is a testament to how well this process works, so taking his advice on how to level-up your game is a smart choice.
Chapter 17: Keep the Money You Make, is a good reminder for entrepreneurs who are struggling with their money. It can be hard to prioritize paying yourself when you want your business to profit and grow. But in order to truly strengthen your business, you need to make sure you are investing in yourself and rewarding yourself.
John has a multitude of great tips and advice on how to be successful as an entrepreneur. By sharing his experiences, hopefully you can learn what may or may not work for you.
I keep this book on my desk. When my entrepreneurial journey hits a difficult moment, I open it to my flagged sections, read a few paragraphs and then I am ready to attack the current obstacle. It has been a huge motivator for me.
I highly recommend picking up his book -read it, highlight it, and set it on your desk.